Goodbye Daylight Savings, Hello Morning Exercise

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morning exercise

While the end of daylight savings may set in the winter doldrums for some, the bright side (yes, pun intended) is an opportunity to switch up your exercise routine.   While the sunrise was at 7:43am, it is now at 6:44am, which means an extra hour of sunlight in the mornings.  This is great news for those of us who are too busy to squeeze in evening work-outs in because of competing priorities.

This extra hour of early light is great for two reasons.  For outside exercisers, this means increased safety and visibility for you to see drivers and for drivers to see you. For outside and inside exercisers alike, it is just easier to get motivated to get up early to work out when it is brighter outside.

So for already-morning exercisers, seize these days of earlier light to brighten up your workouts.  For evening exercisers who cannot imagine getting up with the sun to workout, give it a try during these few months of standard time; you may just surprise yourself with the added energy you will have throughout the day.  Plus, you can smile to yourself all day knowing that your workout box has been checked off before you are usually out of bed!


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