Stop and Smell the Roses

When I was a very young child, I lived with my grandparents in a very remote countryside in Southeast Asia. A place full of green hills and fruit trees, it was in this beautiful setting that I fell madly in love with the beauty of nature. A few times a week, in comfortable shoes and […]

What’s Sugar Got to Do With It?

Some people call diabetes, sugar – as in, “I have a touch of sugar” or “I lost my leg to the sugar.” I think the reference to sugar is easier to process than the more formal term—diabetes. Either way, diabetes, or “the sugar,” is heavily entwined in weight management. Although I have always struggled with […]

Eating in Cubeland

Anyone ever assigned or sentenced to spending her or his work life in a 6’ x 8’ cube has probably experienced the challenges of unhealthy in such a transparent and publically open environment. Unlike their traditional closed office cousins, work cubes have no doors to restrict the flow of unwanted visitors, no windows to welcome […]