grill vegetables

Top 4 Ways to Grill Vegetables

Nothing beats outdoor grilling on a warm summer night.  When you are grilling your meat, don’t forget the vegetables. Grilled vegetables go well with grilled meat or fish and make wonderful left-overs. My favorites are broccoli, yellow squash, zucchini and red peppers, mushrooms, and onions. One of many great things about grilling vegetables is that […]

yogurt bites

Healthy Bite Sized Summer Desserts

With 4th of July celebrations right around the corner, there will inevitably be an array of delicious foods to accompany those parties. When it comes to desserts, a good strategy is the one bite rule to avoid blowing your calorie budget. Just take one or two bites of your favorite dessert and then stop. To […]

summer produce

What’s in Season During the Summer?

With summer now in full swing, there is no shortage of fresh fruits and vegetables. Whether you buy your fruits and veggies at a farmers’ market, in the produce section of your favorite grocery store, or a local produce stand, it’s important to remember which items are in season. These items will taste sweeter and/or […]

broccoli tomato

Med Side Dish: Broccoli, Tomato, Mushroom Medley

Easily one of the best vegetable medleys ever – broccoli, tomato, mushroom and garlic is quick, convenient, versatile and delicious! With easy to find ingredients, this mix makes a great pairing with fish, poultry, eggs, beans, and more. Add more tomatoes to make a delicious sauce to serve over your favorite whole grain. Broccoli, Tomato, […]

online nutrition

Welcome to Our Instructor Team, Laura!

We are thrilled to announce a new addition to the Eat Smart, Move More, Weigh Less instructor Team: Laura Sanders. Laura joins us from Los Gatos, California, teaching Eat Smart, Move More, Weigh Less online classes for the west coast time zone. Laura is a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist (RDN) and will begin teaching classes this […]

Quote bubble that says from a participant

“I feel 100% better”

Below is a testimonial from a recent Eat Smart, Move More, Weigh Less participant, Linda: “I am a woman, age 53, and had gained ~12 pounds over the last year. I was having a very hard time losing the weight. My goal weight is a number that I have held consistently for the past 25 […]