My experience with Fitbit

Our guest blogger, Jill, shares her experience with the Fitbit Flex. It is a great device to help you track your physical activity, calories burned, and hours of sleep. Jill shares how this gives her awareness of her daily activity, but also how it could be improved. If you have a favorite activity-tracker we would […]

Reading while Exercising

The idea of reading a book while exercising has people either cheering or booing – and I am cheering! As soon as it gets too cold for me to run or exercise outside I move indoors to the gym, but quickly get bored with the stationary machines. So this year, I decided to bring my […]

How to Enjoy Tailgating Season Mindfully

Are you ready for some football (food)?? It’s tailgating season again – I mean football season – so let the celebrations begin without losing sight of your weight loss efforts! Try these helpful tips whether you’re out at the stadium or hosting fans at your home. Eat a small nutritious snack before you arrive at […]

My experience with Nike’s FuelBand

– A follow up to this review, reflecting on the FuelBand after 26 months of use can be viewed here. About a month ago my wonderful wife gave me a Nike FuelBand, an accelerometer you wear on your wrist. I set my goal at 3000 fuel points, the recommended amount for an active, but not […]