Gadget-less Running: See Ya Later Alligator

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I’ve been advocating more physical activity in my classes lately ( online and onsite ) for the pure joy of movement without associated technological gadgets. Wow, did that ever come into play for my safety during a recent trip to the coast.running without phone

While refusing to wear my Nike Run Watch or carry my iPhone during weekend runs, I’ve rediscovered the joy ( or craziness ) of running-walking just for the pleasure of it, without all the notations of progress or posting on social media. It was just this penultimate weekend that found me running to deal with parental caregiving stress in Southeastern NC, my old home stomping grounds.

Not being bound by a watch or other gadget enabled me to look UP ( thank goodness ) just in time to see the biggest alligator I’ve ever seen not in captivity { estimated 6 ft long }!  Needless to say, I think I ran my fastest mile EVER back to my folks’ house!

Yes, I returned with my phone via car to capture this image.

So get out there without gadgets during this balmy Spring and look UP from time-to-time. One never knows what they may stumble across—- or hopefully avoid if dangerous!