holiday challenge

The 2018 Holiday Challenge Taste Test

The annual (and free) Eat Smart, Move More, maintain don’t gain Holiday Challenge consists of many resources for participants, including healthy holiday recipes. And someone has to TASTE those recipes to make sure they are actually delicious and easy (and healthy)! Each year we hold a Taste Test to determine which recipes will be included in […]

mason jar meal

5 Best Make-Ahead Mason Jar Meals

I love using mason jars to store my food. They are convenient, keep food fresh, and easy to clean, but most importantly, they are just plain cute! Part of eating mindfully is to notice the taste, texture, and smells of our food. This includes the visual presentation of food as well. Mason jars can elevate […]

grill vegetables

Top 4 Ways to Grill Vegetables

Nothing beats outdoor grilling on a warm summer night.  When you are grilling your meat, don’t forget the vegetables. Grilled vegetables go well with grilled meat or fish and make wonderful left-overs. My favorites are broccoli, yellow squash, zucchini and red peppers, mushrooms, and onions. One of many great things about grilling vegetables is that […]

yogurt bites

Healthy Bite Sized Summer Desserts

With 4th of July celebrations right around the corner, there will inevitably be an array of delicious foods to accompany those parties. When it comes to desserts, a good strategy is the one bite rule to avoid blowing your calorie budget. Just take one or two bites of your favorite dessert and then stop. To […]