Quick Breakfast: Healthy Muffin Pan Quiche

For the past few years, I have been making numerous variations of muffin pan quiches. It originated from Eating Well’s Mini Mushroom and Sausage Quiche recipe (which was featured in the Holiday Challenge), but I found that I started throwing in my own vegetable combinations and more often than not opted for a vegetarian option […]

Less Sitting, More Moving

Incorporating a few minutes of activity into your workday is a great way to get an energy boost, to decompress and refocus, or to simply stretch out your joints if you begin to feel stiff. Sitting for prolonged periods of can lead to the development of several chronic diseases, so it is important to incorporate as much […]

How to Make Healthy Deviled Eggs

I heard one of our team members raving about the deviled eggs on our new MedInsteadofMeds.com website so decided it was my duty as a good colleague to try them out. Oh my gosh. They are my new fav. On busy work days when everything seems to be a whirlwind, you need a quick (and […]

Why Employees Participate in Corporate Wellness Challenges and Activities

Employees participate in wellness challenges for a lot of different reasons. A strong wellness program or challenge should include components that incorporate many of those reasons. Provide Opportunities to Make Healthy Changes Screenings, wellness challenges, wellness fairs, and disseminating health-related information via company networks are good starting places to help employees be more aware of […]