A Change of Habit for the Holidays

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This holiday season, I am not on a mission to lose weight, nor am I trying to gain. I simply want to maintain my current weight and waistline. So, what’s my plan? Well, let me tell you. What I’ve learned over the years is by being mindful of what healthy holidayI eat and by getting in some form of physical activity each day, I won’t gain weight.  I’m not talking about a diet or joining a gym, I’m referring to small changes of habit that could make a big difference.

I know that this time of year it’s especially tough for me. I can already hear the candies and cakes calling me, but whenever tempted, I’ll reach for the grapes and not the M&Ms and replace the cake with a sweet navel orange.  I’ll drink water instead of soda and leave the sugar out of my coffee. You get the picture. Find the good foods that you like, avoid the sweets as much as possible, and get in some physical activity daily. When I make a grocery run, I park far away and walk a few more steps to get to the store, knowing that I will have to walk just as far to get back to my car. When in the mall, I intentionally walk from one end to the other and use the stairs instead of the escalator. I know that the more I walk, the less chance there is that the holiday season will result in me gaining weight.

It’s not easy, but it’s about making those small changes. Change your habits and take small steps to obtain your goal. The more positive changes, the better the results. You may be surprised at just how well you do.



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