Do You Take Cream With Your Coffee?

While black coffee is low in calories, making it tastier with cream and sugar can make it tricky to fit into your weight loss plan. Adding regular cream can quickly multiply the amount of calories and fat to your morning- or afternoon- drink. This is even before adding the flavored syrups and sugar! We’ll take […]

Frozen Meal Review, Part 1

The frozen meal section of a grocery store can be a bit overwhelming with all the different choices. Especially when trying to choose a healthy option! The Eat Smart Move More Weigh Less team has started this new blog series to help you navigate the frozen aisle by rating our favorite (and least favorite) frozen meals we […]

Reading while Exercising

The idea of reading a book while exercising has people either cheering or booing – and I am cheering! As soon as it gets too cold for me to run or exercise outside I move indoors to the gym, but quickly get bored with the stationary machines. So this year, I decided to bring my […]

Pop meets Ziploc®

My name is Sara Morris, and I have a problem…with portion control. And with excessive love of popcorn. Yes, popcorn is a whole grain, so it can be part of a healthy diet and enjoyed in moderation. Oh those two little words get me every time! Here is the issue: popcorn is SO delicious. Just […]