Comparison of Almond Butters: Homemade vs. Store-Bought

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A few weeks ago, I made almond butter at home for the first time. I have always avoided purchasing almond butter at the grocery store because it can be so pricey.

Whether you choose to make your own almond butter at home or to pick up a jar at the store, be sure check the nutrition label and the ingredients list for hidden additives. Check out this comparison of a few almond butter brands below.

Kristie’s Honey Almond Butter

Store: Homemade

Price: $4.00

Container Size: 16 ounces

Ingredients: Unsalted almonds ($4 at Aldi), Salt, Honey

Calories: 170

Fat: 15g

Sodium: 73mg

Sugar: 1g

Almond Butter Comparison

MaraNatha Creamy Almond Butter

Store: Target

Price: $7.29

Container Size: 12 ounces

Ingredients: Dry roasted almonds, Organic evaporated cane sugar, Palm oil, Sea salt

Calories: 190

Fat: 16g

Sodium: 65mg

Sugar: 1g

Almond Butter Comparison

Simply Balanced Creamy Almond Butter

Store: Target

Price: $9.99

Container Size: 10 ounces

Ingredients: Organic almonds

Calories: 190

Fat: 17g

Sodium: 0mg

Sugar: 2g

Almond Butter Comparison

Justins’ Honey Almond Butter

Store: Walmart

Price: $7.98

Container Size: 12 ounces

Ingredients: Dry roasted almonds, Honey Powder (Sugar, Honey), Palm oil, Sea salt

Calories: 190

Fat: 16g

Sodium: 65mg

Sugar: 4g

Almond Butter Comparison

Sam’s Choice Slow Roasted Creamy Almond Butter

Store: Walmart

Price: $4.98

Container Size: 12 ounces

Ingredients: Dry roasted almonds, Organic unrefined cane sugar, Palm oil, Sea salt

Calories: 190

Fat: 16g

Sodium: 60mg

Sugar: 3g

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