What is the Mediterranean Diet

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Eating like those who live in the Mediterranean region has been shown to promote health and decrease risk of many chronic diseases. The Mediterranean-style eating pattern incorporates the basics of healthy eating that are traditionally practiced in countries that border the Mediterranean Sea. Eating the Mediterranean way is not only healthy, it is delicious and satisfying. Foods that you once thought of as too high in fat or unhealthy, including nuts, olive oil, olives, and whole grains, become an everyday part of your diet. The Mediterranean way of life includes lots of fruits and vegetables, whole grains, fish, nuts, olive oil and only small amounts of red meat. It does not include highly processed foods, fast foods, and greatly limits sugar and red meat. To make it even easier, we have broken down the Mediterranean-style of eating into 7 simple steps: 7 Steps to Eating the Med Way.

Mediterranean-Style of Eating Includes: 

The Mediterranean-Style of Eating Limits: 

The Mediterranean-Style of Eating Excludes: 

  • Highly processed foods
  • Fast foods

Eating a traditional Mediterranean diet has been shown to decrease some forms of cancer, protect against cognitive decline, improve eye health, decrease the risk of type 2 diabetes, help manage blood pressure, reduce cardiovascular disease, and is more effective than a low-fat diet for weight loss. If that is not enough, it is simple, satisfying, and delicious. Learn more at medinsteadofmeds.com.

benefits of Mediterranean diet

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