“I lost 23 lbs and dropped 2 dress sizes.”

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We are excited to announce our guest blogger for the day, Sheilla. Sheilla was a part of the Eat Smart, Move More, Weigh Less program earlier this year and she continues to accomplish reach new goals since then. Let’s cheer her on as she runs her next race this New Year’s Eve! Go Sheilla Go!

Sheilla’s Testimonial:shiella-boyd_holiday-challenge

Thank you Eat Smart, Move More, Weigh Less! I took the online class earlier in the year through my employer’s wellness program. The program made me aware and mindful of what I eat and how much I need to keep moving. Since finishing the program, I started a desk to 5k program to have a goal and a training plan to be accountable for. After running/walking my first 5k I was hooked. I now run at least 4 days a week and have competed in 5 5k races. I won 2nd in my age group and reached a PB time in my last race. I am currently training for a race on New Year’s eve/New year’s day to start the new year off right. The best part of all of this is that I have lost 23 lbs and dropped 2 sizes in clothes. It has been 18 yrs since I have weighed what I weigh now. I couldn’t run across my back yard before I started so this has been a life changing experience to say the least.I can remember my doctor saying I needed to lose at least 20 lbs and thinking “yeah right”. It isn’t easy by any means but if you start slow and make small changes and build on them you can also reap the rewards of eating smarter, moving more and weighing less!