Children Eating Healthy in NC

Convincing young children to try and eat fresh fruits and vegetables can be challenging. However, Kiddie Academy, a child care center in New Hanover County, has found a way to get its children and staff to not only try a variety of fruits and vegetables, but to expect and demand them at the breakfast and […]

New Year, New Start: Goal Setting Tips

The new year is here! We often find ourselves starting the new year by making resolutions hoping that the new habit sticks with us every day for as long as possible. But unfortunately, most of these resolutions are forgotten within a month or two. Do you remember seeing a packed gym in January or February […]

Travel Hack: Healthy Oatmeal on the Go

Eating healthy while traveling can be tough. Whether it’s for one night or one week, being away from home can mean more eating out at restaurants – sometimes for every meal! To eliminate eating out for every meal, I have started bringing my own breakfast every time we travel. It has been a simple change […]