Age Isn’t Anything But a Number

You may see people your age, or maybe even older, who are in good shape and ask yourself, “How do they do it?” First and foremost, we all have different body types and metabolisms, so there is no one magic pill that works for everyone, but getting in shape is possible for most. It just […]

How to Start Swimming: Tips for Beginners

One of the evidence-based strategies for diabetes prevention is achieving 150 minutes of moderate activity each week. I have recently decided to re-engage with an aerobic activity from my youth, swimming. Swimming is a great low-impact workout and I find it extremely meditative. I love the feeling of being immersed in cool water and the […]

How to Clean Your Earbuds

I hate picking up my iPad or iPhone when they are ultra-dirty with a film of crud. The same goes for my ear buds which are havens for bacteria that can cause ear infections. I try each week to get at least 2 hours and 30 minutes of aerobic physical activity at a moderate level […]

Two Years of a Gym Membership

So it’s been two years since I got my gym membership. I shared my strength training success after joining the gym, and continue to share my journey with you. This year, Most of my successes and challenges this year have outside of the gym walls and away from the weights and machines. The workouts keep […]