When Weight Loss is Indicated–How to Achieve and Maintain a Healthy Weight?

Let’s first acknowledge one key point–not everyone wants to lose weight or needs to lose weight. However, there are certain medical conditions where weight loss is indicated–for example, prediabetes and type 2 diabetes. For those looking to lose weight for your health, it is important to approach this goal with sustainable weight loss in mind, […]

The Truth About Hydration

Water is important for our overall health and plays a huge role in our bodies normal function. Water helps regulate your body temperature, eliminate waste, cushion joints, and protect tissue, like your spinal cord.1 There are many misconceptions about hydration, and there is no set recommendation for the amount of water we should drink everyday. […]

Set & Track Your SMART Goal

We have created more tools to help you set a SMART Goal and track your progress during this year’s Holiday Challenge. If you have not already done so, now is the time to set a SMART goal, one that is Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Timely. But, what exactly do we mean by each of […]

How to Say No

Often, we find ourselves juggling multiple commitments and obligations in our fast-paced world. It can be challenging to balance our personal lives, work, and social engagements. When friends or acquaintances invite us to events or make plans, it’s important to remember that it’s okay to say “No” especially when you genuinely can’t accommodate the request. […]

Visit Your Library

A little late in the month but…September is library card sign-up month! I know, this is a wellness blog, not a reading club. In my family, however, the library and the books and activities that it beholds are an integral part of our whole-person wellness. We are very grateful to live close to many great […]

How to Enjoy Your Vacation

My family and I recently went on a week-long vacation to the North Carolina mountains. We had such a fantastic time it was difficult to come home! When you are sharing a house with 9 other adults and are not in charge of meal planning, grocery shopping, or the schedule, it can be really difficult […]

I’m too busy for Self-Care!

There are days or seasons of life when we feel like we have too much on our plate to consider ourselves and our health. I would like to challenge this mindset and instead view taking care of your health as a spectrum and it is important to acknowledge where you are on that spectrum will […]

Four Ways to Reduce Cortisol

Cortisol is known as the stress hormone. It is made in the adrenal gland and is elevated when we experience heightened anxiety or stress. When we are relaxed, it is decreased. Chronic stress means chronically high cortisol. While cortisol is needed for the fight or flight response when we experience acute stress, chronically high cortisol […]