“It’s been SMALL changes to my life that have made the difference..”

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“It really has been putting all of the things you have been teaching us into action. If I had to pick one thing, I would say it has been tracking my food and water consumption. It serves as a constant reminder that I have to be mindful of what and how much I need, NOT WANT, to eat and drink. I have come to realize that portion control is my biggest problem because I use food to escape.Taking notes in a grocery store

To be honest, I am surprised that I have lost this much weight because I haven’t been starving myself or eating nothing but kale smoothies. It has been the 10 small changes to my life instead of 1 or 2 huge changes that has been the difference. Also, learning and focusing on one new habit each week and then building on that has been huge. It really helps me to develop the new habits vs. diving into a complete lifestyle change on day 1.

I am thankful for the weekly encouragement from my instructor and all that this program does!”